
Anti Aging

Wellness & Telehealth located in Miami, FL

Anti Aging

About Anti Aging

While it may not be possible to completely stop the aging process, there are a number of ways to slow the hands of time. At Fina Health, Sam O’Neal Searcy, MD, and his team offer the very latest anti-aging options to help you look and feel more youthful and energetic. Call or request an appointment online to learn more.

Anti Aging Q&A

What are anti-aging treatments?

Anti-aging treatments strive to reduce the impact of age-related changes to your body and mind. Everyone grows older, and achieving an advanced age is an honor and a goal that many people share. But age-related issues like chronic disease can make those latter years less enjoyable and productive. 

Anti-aging focuses on giving your body the support it needs to thrive, even as you move through middle age and beyond. The goal is to reduce your risk of age-related illness and help you achieve your highest potential. This also has the end result of improving your quality of life.

What are some specific anti-aging treatment options?

Peptide therapy is one of the most promising anti-aging options, and one that many patients at Fina Health pursue. Peptides are amino acids, and the foundation of proteins. Your body creates peptides that serve a multitude of different purposes, often helping your cells function properly. 

Incorporating synthetic peptides into your system boosts the effects of these natural powerhouses. The result is improvements in muscle development and collagen production, which helps keep skin plump and youthful. 

Hormone replacement therapy can also address health declines related to aging. By supplementing your natural hormone production with synthetic hormones, you can reverse changes like dry skin, weight gain, brain fog, and headaches. 

Men can improve erectile dysfunction, swollen breast tissue, and low muscle mass. Women can address menopause-related changes like hot flashes, mood swings, and vaginal dryness. 

Are there anti-aging treatments that can improve the look of my skin?

The team at Fina Health understands that looking your best helps you feel your best, and is proud to offer the latest medical aesthetics treatment options. Advanced skin therapy can boost both the look and feel of skin, at any age. 

Light-based therapies use carefully controlled beams of light to trigger changes in the deeper layers of your skin. As your body produces new collagen and elastin, your skin becomes smoother and wrinkles less pronounced. 

Injectables are another way to reduce the signs of aging. Some, like Botox®, work to lessen the muscle movement that pulls your skin into lines, wrinkles, and folds. Dermal fillers add volume in areas of your face where collagen loss has led to sagging and wrinkling. 

When you’re ready to explore these and other anti-aging techniques, reach out to Fina Health online or over the phone to book a consultation.